Today is officially Fall! I can't believe it. This year is going way too fast and I don't know how to handle this! My baby isn't such a baby anymore. She's 19 months old (as of the 19th). We bought our house in June and I still don't have everything in place. I hope it slows down these next few months. I need to catch up!
Last night brought very strange weather to our area. Thunderstorms and flash flooding like I've never seen! We luckily have an oak tree limb that hangs over the garage. All I heard last night was the ping of acorns dropping on the roof and then bouncing off my hubby's truck.
We must be blessed because in the backyard we have our very own walnut tree! Next to that is our metal shed. (Can you sense where I'm going with this)? It sounded like fireworks exploding each time a walnut would fall off!
All this rain has definitely put me into a coma. I don't know what it is about cloudy, rainy, chilly days. I just want to do nothing but snuggle up in a blanket and be still. No chores, no running errands, just pure solitude and relaxation; otherwise known to me as sleep.
We have been transitioning into Fall mode around here.

Change is in the air and you can smell it! Time to take on another challenge or complete a project that I've been putting off.
Happy first day of Fall!
OH!! Thank you!! I love getting comments!! Yes, we are doing great!! The kids are great and we have had 2 straight days that no one has cried going into daycare!! WOOO HOOO!!! Love Franci's game day apparel!! She is too cute!! Thanks again for commenting!
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